What Are the Major Components of Food Service Sanitation?

March 20, 2023 – Food service sanitation is crucial to any establishment in the food industry. Did you know that Tri Living Well cites that germs can survive for up to three hours on your hands? Therefore, one critical component of food service sanitation is to have a clean and organized kitchen. This means that all surfaces should be free of grease and food build-up, and proper sanitation must be executed when it comes to cooking utensils and equipment. In this post, we are sharing some of the main elements that can enhance food service sanitation.

Personal Hygiene

One vital part of food service sanitation is personal hygiene. This includes ensuring personal hygiene for both the food service workers and customers is met. Food service workers should practice proper personal hygiene by washing their hands thoroughly and often, wearing clean clothes, and keeping their hair pulled back. Consider placing several hand towel dispensers throughout the workplace. We recommend our Infinity Refillable Wiping System as one viable option. Food establishments can encourage customers to practice hygiene as well by putting up hand sanitation stations to encourage cleanliness. This can reduce the amount of germs on counters, door handles, and payment stations. 

Food Handling and Preparation

Food handling and preparation are also essential aspects of food service sanitation. There are many potential sources of contamination during food handling and preparation, and it’s necessary to take measures to ensure they’re completed safely. Cross-contamination is a paramount concern, and proper food handling and preparation can help to avoid it. Developing procedures such as utilizing separate equipment for different foods, storing ingredients at their proper temperatures, and using sanitation wipes, can minimize the risk of contamination and ensure that food is safe to eat.

Cleaning and Sanitizing Utensils or Equipment

Sterilizing and cleaning equipment and utensils is another vital component of proper food service sanitation. All food contact surfaces must be cleaned and sanitized regularly to prevent the spread of foodborne illness. You can use various effective procedures to clean and sanitize equipment and utensils, such as soap and sanitation wipes that are specifically designed for the food service industry. Bear in mind that the most effective sanitation technique differs depending on the type of surface being cleaned.

Facility and Pest Management

Facility and pest management is the last component we’ll talk about in this post. Facility management includes: ensuring that the kitchen and dining areas are clean and free of clutter, that food is stored correctly, and that cooking and serving utensils are clean prior to use. Pest management involves keeping pests such as rodents and insects out of the kitchen and dining areas so food isn’t contaminated. This can be achieved by having a reputable pest control company spray your establishment’s premises on a regular basis. 

Maintaining a safe and sanitary work environment is crucial and can be achieved by adhering to proper food handling and hygiene procedures like washing hands regularly, using sanitation wipes, and ensuring that proper protocols are in place. 

Contact our team at National Wiper Alliance if you’re searching for a reliable solution for your food service sanitation. We pride ourselves on providing quality products, including sanitation wipes, to make cleaning and sanitizing effective for your establishment.