5 Cleaning Products That Are Proven to Disinfect

janitorial supplies

February 17, 2022 – Having the right janitorial supplies on hand has taken on a new urgency since the COVID-19 pandemic. It is not enough to have a visually clean space anymore. Your space has to be disinfected and cleaned. The right janitorial supplies make it easy to clean and disinfect your space. Learn about the five janitorial supplies that are proven disinfectants.

The Facts About Germs

According to the CDC, germs can live on unwashed hands for about three hours. That is three hours worth of handling doors, banisters, keyboards, phones, shaking hands, and more. However, hands are not the only surface that pathogens like Coronavirus can live on. Some of these stats are a little more freighting and highlight the idea that surface cleaning and disinfection is necessary:

  • Germs can live for five days on glass surfaces like windows and doors.
  • Germs can live on wood surfaces like desks for four days.
  • Germs can live on plastic surfaces for three days.

Janitorial supplies that are proven disinfectants can kill germs on all surfaces.

The Proven Disinfectant Cleaners

It is important that you use the right disinfectant cleaner that is made for the surface you are trying to clean. Be sure to read the package warnings carefully to avoid any mishaps. Here are the five proven cleaners that will disinfect your surfaces:

  • Lysol cleaners. Lysol offers a range of cleaners that are also proven disinfectants. Lysol is safe to use on most surfaces, including plastic.
  • Bleach. Chlorine bleach is a highly effective disinfectant. Any cleaners that contain chlorine bleach will kill germs. However, bleach is not safe for all surfaces.
  • Microban. Microban spray cleaner is a safe disinfectant for most surfaces.
  • Pine-Sol. Pine-Sol is a safe disinfectant for many surfaces, especially hard floor surfaces.
  • Mr. Clean Liquid Antibacterial Cleaner. This cleaner can kill germs on contact and is safe to use on many surfaces.

Of course, a janitorial supply company will have other “commercial” cleaner options that can be used for specific purposes. The Centers for Disease Control website is a good resource to learn how to properly use cleaners to disinfect a wide range of surfaces.

Connect with a janitorial supply company today to learn more about cleaners that are also proven disinfectants and to get the tools you need to make sure your space is clean and germ-free. Connect with us today for high-quality wiping products.